Friday, June 27, 2008

Port and Last AC!

The day started off very early. We had to be at St. Luke's for the port surgery at 6 a.m. It took the nurses three tries to get an IV in. After originally not looking forward to the port, I changed my mind very quickly. I am so tired of being a pin cushion!

Dr. Paul Yadzi did the surgery--nice guy and did a good job. I felt pretty good afterwards. Some anesthesia is so good!

After breakfast (since I hadn't eaten since the day before), mom and I went to breakfast and then to chemo for my last AC! It was so much faster and easier with the port. I wish I would have done it sooner!

So far, the AC has not taken my eyebrows or eyelashes and at this point, it's most likely that they won't. And the hair that I lost should start growing back now!

My oldest daughter, Alexis, was very worried that the surgery and this last round of chemo would inhibit me from attending her play last night. Of course, I wouldn't have missed it no matter how bad I felt. But I made it and she did an awesome job. She makes a great Veruca Salt (from Willy Wonka)! I'm so proud of you, Alexis!

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