Monday, November 3, 2008

After Surgery

I'm feeling more complete these days. The prosthethic seemed like part of my life for so long and now I no longer need it. I can wear a bra and look normal! Of course, there is still much to be done, but I'm well on my way.

I spent a good week recovering from surgery. My right breast looks awesome since the lift and will be even better after the implant. This side never bothered me after the surgery.

The left side looks much better than it did, but still has a ways to go. I left the surgery center with a pain pump and a drain. The pain pump was attached by a thin tube under my left armpit. I carried the actual pump in a small bag around my waist. Very strange. I'm not really sure how much it helped, but it continuously provided a numbing medication similar to the Novicane you get in a dentist's office. It even had a button for that extra shot if I needed it. I never really felt the need, but Abby and Bella thought it was fun to push. Don't worry, it was set so that it could never give me more than I really needed!

On Saturday, the pump ran out and Scott had the honor of removing it. Thank goodness he's not bothered by such things. After a quick tug, it was out and I didn't feel a thing. Now to just get rid of the drain!

Everyday I had to empty the drain and record the amount of fluid I collected. I called Dr. Nathan's office on Friday and Debbie said I may be able to have it removed on Monday. No such luck. I was right on the border with my numbers. I even asked her bribe them, but no luck.

On Tuesday, I met with Annie (Dr. Nathan's nurse). She had me breathe deeply three times and then cough while she pulled out the drain. This was a little different from the last time. For my last surgery, the drains were more toward the top of my skin so I could actually see them come out. This was more inside. Didn't hurt, just felt different. It felt great not to be tethered to anything.

I went back to work on Wednesday and felt pretty good by the weekend. We had another successful Halloween and I have pictures to bride Alexis when we start letting her date (like around age 25 or so!) I'll post soon!

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